Let's Make the World Tastier Together 24 September 2024
Cross-Sectoral Forum-2024 by EFKO’s Oil and Fat Division

Artificial intelligence, neuronutritiology, decision-making psychology, microbiome. These issues and some others were addressed by the agenda of the annual cross-sectoral forum held by EFKO. All those engaged in developing and popularizing food products have long ceased being limited to their specialized areas' basics. Understanding the consumers' motives and the product's possible impact on health has become essential.

For two days, representatives of more than 50 companies from the bakery, confectionery, and dairy industries checked trends and key news of the food ingredients market at the annual forum by EFKO's Oil and Fat Division.

One of the most common challenges remains increased sugar consumption and its consequences for health. It's not just about calories.

Oleg Medvedev, Professor and Head of the Pharmacology Department at MSU, shared the results of recent studies and said that excessive sugar consumption reduces the microbiome diversity, adversely affects health, and becomes another factor contributing to obesity. Gradual shifting to sweet protein could be a possible solution.

EFKO technologists have already learned to replace sugar with sweet protein in many products that do not require heat treatment over 80 degrees. In particular, the forum participants could personally taste candies with brazzein, analyze its flavor profile, and discuss the way brazzein interacts with other ingredients in different formulations.

Yulia Fedorova,
Head of the Procurement Department at Essen Production
"We have been cooperating with EFKO for 12 years since our confectionery production was founded. We purchase compound filling fats, cocoa butter equivalents, and many other ingredients for confectioners. Our cooperation is strengthening year after year. We are developing, and increasing our product range. EFKO fully satisfies our growing demand. We are also actively following EFKO's innovations. We've heard of sweet protein. It is an interesting product for us. When we are about to develop new lines of candies without added sugar, we will definitely pay more attention to it."

Alena Surkova,
Confectionery Director at EFKO's Oil and Fat Division
"Along with sweet protein, the main novelty of this year, we also presented two new ranges at the forum. These are filling fats with shea butter, cocoa butter equivalents, and enhancers. Today, cocoa butter equivalents and enhancers are the pinnacle of technological production. Shea butter is a unique raw material. We have learned how to fractionate and use it to create unique product compositions. Many people mistakenly believe that any equivalents and substitutes should be avoided. But modern technologies for processing vegetable oils allow us to match the most valuable of them and then, like a jigsaw puzzle, assemble new ingredients with the necessary technological properties."

Olga Muravyeva,
General Director of Pobeda confectionery factory
"Every EFKO conference is an attempt to look into the future. Usually we are stuck in the current tasks and routine. Getting together with industry colleagues is a great idea. The speakers on the forum are well chosen. All the topics are what we need right now. Such lectures generate new thoughts and ideas. I also enjoyed the tasting, as always. We definitely want to try new filling fats in our production. We have been cooperating with EFKO for a long time, and enjoy their customer focus and flexibility. Thank you for your professionalism! The technologists are always quick to address our challenges. Most importantly, they make products with formulations that are needed specifically for us."

Yuri Kein,
head of technology development for Magnit's production facilities
"Today in the Magnit market chain, about 20% of all sugar and flour confectionery products are produced in-house. We buy EFKO specialty fats, cocoa butter substitute, and coconut oil used at these production facilities. We like the quality. With EFKO ingredients, our products are as stable as possible. We also value flexibility in pricing, so we can meet the demands of different consumers. The conference provided, as always, very useful information for manufacturers. You must demonstrate emerging trends, and where to go. It helps us in creating new products."

Natalya Danshina,
Director for Margarine Products at EFKO's Oil and Fat Division
"Another promising area is expanding the range of frying fats. Using different formulations, we improve their characteristics, which are important for business and the benefit of the end consumer. The main buyers of frying fats are fast food restaurants. It is important to them to maintain the quality properties of the frying fats for as long as possible, and the customer wants the same golden crispy crust they are used to. Our products meet the high standards of these chains for ingredients, and we are trying to develop this area, introducing new technologies for processing oils and creating new formulations."

Sweet protein is a healthy alternative to sugar, a biotechnologically produced analog of proteins discovered in the mid-twentieth century in equatorial African plants. It is 800-3000 times sweeter than sugar and does not trigger an insulin response in the blood. In June 2024, EFKO was one of the first in the world to complete state registration of sweet protein in the EAEU, which means that it is proven safe and can be used in food production.

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