Intensive courses at our Biruch Scientific and Educational Center have become legendary. For some people, specific lectures and trainings are the most memorable, for others – the regime, and still, others perceive training as an exciting adventure and a test of their character. Historically, we have involved only employees and applicants in such an adventure. In 2021, we met numerous requests and organized three courses for external students. In 2024 we decided to repeat the experiment in response to an appeal from the All-Russian People’s Front.
The very idea of the APF is to implement socially useful projects that will help make people's lives better. Every day, activists of the people’s front help build a dialogue between society and the authorities. Understanding the psychology and nature of human motivation will come in handy here. The course participants, 12 heads of various APF departments, completed a 4-day intensive course and got acquainted with the basic disciplines of the Biruch Scientific and Educational Center.

Executive Director of EFKO
We told how we work in innovation. Explained why we chose biotech as a point of application in the search for new ideas, and also why Russian scientists in biotech are among the coolest in the world and how to involve them in the creation of breakthrough technologies. We also introduced our guests to psychology and neurophysiology in the context of their application in specific business processes. We shared what we mean by “loving yourself” and why such loving people are as scarce as hen's teeth these days.
We opened up the inner workings as much as possible. It seems they even answered all the questions and did not dodge a single one. We will continue!”

First Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the APF "For Russia"
Much of what we have learned during the internship applies to the organization of work at the People's Front. Of particular interest is the testing of personnel. Each of the leaders of the People's Front group received feedback on their strengths and weaknesses with great interest. It is gratifying that all participants turned out to be possessors of the 2nd type of empathy."

Head of the HR Policy and Documentation Department of the APF "For Russia"
The acquaintance exceeded all expectations! I was convinced that the innovation center is not just a name. Modern laboratories, equipped employees’ cottages, stylish and comfortable offices, well-kept territory – this is a truly unique place created with care.
It is difficult to single out what surprised me most because each lecture and training evoked a whole range of emotions. But in the end, everything fell into place. And since I deal with HR policy during my work, I am sure that the knowledge I gained will be very useful."

member of the Central Headquarters of the APF, Chairman of the ANO "Inspirers"
The company's approaches turned out to be unusual, aimed at development. It was interesting to look at the personnel training system. I was very impressed by the well-thought-out space organization for the employees – the territory of the innovation center has everything necessary for life.
I was surprised and delighted by the lecture and presentation of Sergey Ivanov: a provocation on the topic of ESG and ESO, a huge number of facts and quotes, excellent storytelling, and the coincidence of many factors with our activities – Ubuntu, words with the “co-“ prefix, an approach to values. In our work, knowledge of structuring information, as well as approaches to PR based on committees, will come in handy. In addition, I gained a better understanding of myself due to passing the company test."